
Bible study for teens genesis
Bible study for teens genesis

bible study for teens genesis

The many ways may refer to visions, dreams, or sometimes direct revelation, through which the prophets penned the Scripture. The many portions may refer to the literary genres and sections of the OT or simply the 39 separate books in it. The verse summarizes the fact that God spoke to men through the written words of the Old Testament. The author of Hebrews wrote, “God, after He spoke long ago to the fathers in the prophets in many portions and in many ways, in these last days has spoken to us in His Son, …” (Heb. The question is, then, how did God communicate with us? The message of the Gospel is that “the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Lk. It is God coming to us, telling us about Himself, redeeming us to Himself. All man-made religions are men’s attempt to get themselves out Christianity is the exact opposite. It is, as it were, man trying to get himself out of the “box” of time and space.įor Christians, we know that it was God who became a man Himself and entered the “box” of time and space, trying to show us who He is and how He is like. And perhaps that’s when God assured him, “Do not fear” (v.1).Ĭan we encounter God in a vision today, as Abram did (v.1)?Įvery religion ever invented by men, be it Zoroastrianism, Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Islam, has in its heart a way to enable men to transcend their natural existence and reach out to the supernatural realm.

bible study for teens genesis

It is also possible that, after the sweeping military victory, the patriarch was concerned that those defeated adversaries would temporarily pull back but eventually recover and prepare for another campaign to avenge their loss.

bible study for teens genesis

That’s why the Lord responded to Abram and reassured him that “ reward shall be very great” (v.1). The events happened in the previous chapter, especially Abram turning down the spoils as a gift from the king of Sodom, which was rightfully his to take. God officially established His Covenant with Abram. XV 17-20. The Covenant to Abram Reiterated

Bible study for teens genesis